
We provide the following expert Environmental and Social Advisory and Technical Services globallY:

Environmental and social governance

Policy and Strategy; Impact and Risk Assessment; Baseline Studies; ESMS; ESMP; Audit, Review and Due Diligence; Capacity Building

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mine closure

Conceptual and Detailed Closure Plans, Rehabilitation and Restoration, Closure Cost Estimations

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sustainability standards

3rd Party Audits, Pre-Assessments and Training for various Sustainability Standards in the Mining, Water and Sport Sectors.

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Baseline Assessments; Specialist Studies; Biodiversity Action and Management Plans; Offset Strategies, Calculations and Management Plans; Rehabilitation and Restoration; Monitoring

Coastal Management

Coastal and Estuarine Planning and Management; Habitat Mapping; Coastal Discharge Risk Assessments; Port Development Impact and Risk Assessment; Seafood Assessments re Metals

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stakeholder engagement

Stakeholder identification and mapping; Management of direct and indirect stakeholder risks; Grievance mechanisms; Communication including with indigenous/traditional owner communities; Conflict Resolution

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Socio-Economic Assessment

Household and Community Surveys; Participatory Rural Appraisal; Socio-Economic Specialist Studies; Resettlement Actions Plans; Resettlement Monitoring and Review; Social and Labour Plans; Human Rights Impact Assessment

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land use planning

Land Use Sensitivity and Viability Assessments; National and Regional Spatial Plans; Local Spatial Planning Framework; Land Use Management Systems; Land Use Management Strategies

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aerial survey and geomatics

Customised satellite imagery acquisition; Drone Surveys for Photogrammetry or Multi-Spectral Analysis; Vegetation/Habitat, Landcover, Linear and Built Infrastructure Mapping; Pollution and Restoration Monitoring; Spatial Analysis; Map Production